
What are Cookies?

Piškotek je datoteka, ki shrani nastavitve spletnih strani. Spletna mesta piškotke shranijo v naprave uporabnikov, s katerimi dostopajo do interneta z namenom prepoznavanja posameznih naprav in nastavitev, ki so jih uporabniki uporabili pri dostopu. Piškotki omogočajo spletnim stranem prepoznavanje, če je uporabnik že obiskal to spletno mesto in pri naprednih aplikacijah se lahko z njihovo pomočjo ustrezno prilagodijo posamezne nastavitve. Njihovo shranjevanje je pod popolnim nadzorom brskalnika, ki ga uporablja uporabnik – ta lahko shranjevanje piškotkov po želji omeji ali onemogoči.

Zakaj so potrebni?

Piškotki so temeljnega pomena za zagotavljanje uporabniku prijaznih spletnih storitev; najpogostejše funkcije e-poslovanja ne bi bile mogoče brez piškotkov. Interakcija med spletnim uporabnikom in spletno stranjo je s pomočjo piškotkov hitrejša in enostavnejša. Z njihovo pomočjo si spletna stran zapomni posameznikove preference in izkušnje, brskanje po spletnih straneh pa je s tem bolj učinkovito in prijetno.Razlogov za uporabo piškotkov je več. Uporabljajo se za shranjevanje podatkov o stanju posamezne spletne strani (podrobnosti o prilagoditvah posamezne spletne strani), pomagajo pri izvajanju spletnih storitev (npr spletne trgovine), pomagajo pri zbiranju statistik o uporabnikih in obiskanosti spletnega mesta, o navadah spletnega uporabnika , itd. S pomočjo piškotkov lahko torej ocenimo učinkovitost zasnove našega spletnega mesta.

Cookie Settings

 The required cookies, which are strictly necessary for the operation of our website, are used exclusively by RENOSPOT Rene Mlekuž s.p. and are only saved on your computer during the current browser session. Examples of cookies required are:

  • saving your choices regarding the use of cookie on our website,
  • arranging the correct items in the basket,
  • login to our websites.

Zahtevane piškotke lahko izključite z nastavitvami brskalnika. Vendar pa v tem primeru ne boste mogli uporabljati vseh funkcij spletne strani v njenem celotnem obsegu.

Using your own cookies that require approval on this site

Cookies, which are not strictly necessary for the use of the website, fulfill important tasks. Without them, the features, which make it easy to browse our website, are no longer available. Your settings can no longer be saved and have to be rechecked on each page. In addition, we do not have the ability to respond with a personalized service.

List of cookies used by the RENOSPOT company.

The table below shows a list of cookies we collect and the description of the function they perform:

Name of the COOKIE

Description of COOKIE

Time of COOKIE


Connection to your Cart.

Per Session


It stores category information on the page, allowing faster display.

Per Session


The products you have in the "Compare products" category.

Per Session


Your Currency.

Per Session


Encoded version of your store ID.

Per Session


An indicator that shows if you are currently logged into the store.

Per Session


The coded version of the customer group you belong to.

Per Session


Stores the user's segmented ID.

Per Session


Flag indicating whether caching is off or not.

Per Session


Your session ID on the server.

Per Session


It allows the guest to edit their order.

Per Session


Last category you visited.

Per Session


Last item you viewed.

Per Session


Indicates if you have received a new message.

Per Session


Indicates if "cache" is allowed.

Per Session


Link to your shopping cart information and viewing history if you requested it.

Per Session


The ID of the survey you last participated in.

Per Session


Information about which surveys you participated in.

Per Session


The products you last compared.

Per Session


Information about the products you sent to your friends via email.

Per Session


The store view or language you have selected.

Per Session


Indicates if the user has allowed the use of cookies.

Per Session


The product you last viewed.

Per Session


Encrypted list of products you have added to your wishlist.

Per Session


The number of products on your wishlist.

Per Session