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Book The Gorišek Brothers - Ski Flying Visionaries


Book The Gorišek Brothers - Ski Flying Visionaries (ANG version), authored by Rajko Šugman, has been published by the SLOSKI Institute for the Promotion of Winter Sports. The well-known stanza of the Avsenik Brothers begins with us: Planica, Planica, the Snow Queen! Only who does not know her, the beauty of the snow… Janez Dušan Gorišek was born on September 13, 1933 in Ljubljana. Already in his youth, he embarked on the path of a designer, and in 1961 he obtained the title of university graduate civil engineer. He worked in his field until 2003, when he retired. At the age of eight, he started ski jumping, as a national team member for several years, and his greatest success was a two-time student world title. His personal record is 105 m, recorded in his hometown Planica. From an early age, he and his older brother Vlado Gorišek were passionate about ski jumping, and in 1969 they worked together to build the largest ski flying hill in the world, better known as the Gorišek Brothers Ski Jump. With it, Vlado and Janez established a new ski discipline - ski flying, and in 1971 it was also recognised by the International Ski Federation. The ski flying hill thus brought Planica's reputation to the world.

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Book The Gorišek Brothers - Ski Flying Visionaries (ANG version), authored by Rajko Šugman, has been published by the SLOSKI Institute for the Promotion of Winter Sports. The well-known stanza of the Avsenik Brothers begins with us: Planica, Planica, the Snow Queen! Only who does not know her, the beauty of the snow… Janez Dušan Gorišek was born on September 13, 1933 in Ljubljana. Already in his youth, he embarked on the path of a designer, and in 1961 he obtained the title of university graduate civil engineer. He worked in his field until 2003, when he retired. At the age of eight, he started ski jumping, as a national team member for several years, and his greatest success was a two-time student world title. His personal record is 105 m, recorded in his hometown Planica. From an early age, he and his older brother Vlado Gorišek were passionate about ski jumping, and in 1969 they worked together to build the largest ski flying hill in the world, better known as the Gorišek Brothers Ski Jump. With it, Vlado and Janez established a new ski discipline - ski flying, and in 1971 it was also recognised by the International Ski Federation. The ski flying hill thus brought Planica's reputation to the world.

Janez Dušan Gorišek se je rodil 13. septembra 1933 v Ljubljani. Že v svojih mladostniških letih se je podal na pot projektanta, leta 1961 pa je pridobil naziv univerzitetnega diplomiranega inženirja gradbeništva. Na svojem področju je deloval vse do leta 2003, dokler se ni upokojil. Pri osmih letih se je začel ukvarjati s smučarskimi skoki, kar nekaj let je bil državni reprezentant, največji dosežen uspeh pa je bil dvakratni naslov študentskega svetovnega prvaka. Njegov osebni rekord je 105 m, zabeležen v domači Planici.

Že od ranega otroštva ju je skupaj s starejšim bratom – Vladom Goriškom vezala strast do smučarskih skokov, leta 1969 pa sta skupaj sodelovala pri gradnji največje letalnice na svetu, ki jo bolje poznamo pod imenom Skakalnica bratov Gorišek. Z njo sta Vlado in Janez uveljavila novo smučarsko disciplino – smučarske polete, leta 1971 pa je bila priznana tudi s strani Mednarodne smučarske zveze. Letalnica je tako ponesla sloves Planice v svet.

Kasneje sta sodelovala tudi pri rekonstrukciji ostalih skakalnic in letalnic doma in tudi drugod po Evropi. Na skakalnicah/letalnicah, ki sta jih projektirala oz. rekonstruirala skupaj z bratom, je zabeleženih kar 78,3 % vseh svetovnih rekordov. Magična meja 250 m je bila presežena na njuni letalnici v Vikersundu, nič drugega pa se ne pričakuje tudi za prvi polet prek 300 m. Kasneje se mu je pri projektiranju zaradi žal prezgodnje smrti brata pridružil sin Sebastjan, kateri gre po stopinjah uspešnega očeta.

V svojem življenju je Janez za svoja dela prejel ogromno priznanj, odlikovanj in nagrad, danes pa je tudi častni član komiteja FIS za razvoj smučarskih skokov.

Janez Gorišek je o knjigi povedal: “Knjiga govori praktično o vsem. To je presek dolgoletnega dela mene, brata in vseh ostalih. Za mene ima knjiga spominsko vrednost, Planica si zasluži to knjigo za ljudi, ki so jo gradili. Knjiga je del planiške borbe za rekorde in dokaz, kjer se Slovenci lahko pokažemo pred svetom, da nekaj smo. To ni tako enostavno. To smo dokazali v Planici in to nadaljujemo. S smučarskimi poleti smo še vedno vodilni na svetu in za majhen narod to res veliko pomeni.”


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